Monday, September 30, 2019

Language Arts Essay

This topic will provide students with an interactive method of learning numeracy, literacy, inquiry and responsibility within the environment in which we live (Rice & Wilson, 1999). It gives ample leeway for creating lessons within the subject areas of Science, Mathematics, Language Arts, and Social Studies. Such a unit will make students aware of the place and role of trees in the environment. It will also enhance their knowledge of the structure and function of trees as living things. Students will also understand how humans depend on trees in the environment and also how the activities of humans have adversely affected the environment in the past. Finally, it will make students aware of how their individual actions toward trees can improve the state of the environment. Overall Expectations: 1. Students will learn how trees grow. 2. Students will learn the uses that humans have for trees. 3. Students will explore what humans and trees have in common. 4. Students will learn size and texture comparisons from parts of trees. 5. Students will learn how to count using tree limbs, leaves, and other tree parts. 6. Students will learn numeracy and estimation by exploring how many more limbs are possessed by one tree over another. 7. Students will learn vocabulary and how to construct sentences about trees. 8. Students will learn about forests and how they have been harmed by humans in the past Specific Expectations Integrated Science Students will be expected to make connections between trees and the things in their lives made from trees. They will be expected to be able to tell the facts about trees. Such prompts will be given to allow them to name such characteristics as size, colour, and the different parts of a tree that they are familiar with. Student will also be expected to learn observation and note-taking skills as part of the scientific process. Mathematics Students should be able to demonstrate their knowledge of counting objects and of the fact that one number represents on object via counting branches, leaves, and other parts of trees. They are also expected to be able to perform arithmetic operations of adding and subtracting using tree icons as computational tools. Students are also expected to learn (or reinforce knowledge of) descriptors such as larger, longer, bigger, taller, thinner, and other comparisons. Language Arts Students are expected to learn vocabulary connected with trees and to recognize them as sight words. They are expected to make connections between trees, their parts, animals and humans, and should be able to construct simple sentences that explain facts about them. Students should also be able to recognize and properly use comparative adjectives such as tall and taller, thin and thinner, long and longer, etc. Specific Expectations Students will be expected to be able to understand the interactions of humans and animals with trees. They should be able to name such things that they have seen in trees, such as birds nests and squirrels. They will then be expected to understand whether trees are alive or dead and required to say why they have answered in a specific way.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Bush V. Gore

Josh Hanlon January 11th, 2013 CLN4U-01 Mr. Currie Law Research Essay Bush vs. Gore: Why The Votes Should Have Been Counted Bush vs. Gore was described as a controversial election to say the least. The votes in several Florida counties were put up into question as to whether they should be counted or not. In a Democratic Election all legal votes must be counted. The main arguments around this issue were Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution, the interpretation of the Equal Protection Clause and confusion around voting deadlines during the Recount. This process was exacerbated by the lack of impartial justices and secretary of state.The initial argument surrounding this issue is Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution. Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution states, â€Å"In presidential elections, each State shall appoint, in such manner as the legislature thereof may direct, the electors to which the State is entitled. † That being said 3 justices, Rehnquist, Scalia, and Thomas all argued that Florida violated this; there argument placed a lot of emphasis on the word â€Å"legislature†. Meaning to say that there is a difference between the State, who is empowered to appoint its own electors and that own State’s legislature.Furthermore, this Article of the Constitution is completely out of the Supreme Court’s jurisdiction in the circumstances. The Supreme Court should have nothing to do with matters of state law in between the State and their own Legislature. Also, the Florida Supreme Court held that â€Å"a legal vote may include any ballot from which it is reasonably possible to determine the clear intent of the voter, whether or not the ‘chad’ had been completely punched through, which is consistent with the law of the clear majority of the States†.Chief Justice Rehnquist in his opinion argued that this interpretation was so ridiculous and not mirrored with Florida legislation, that it violated Article 2. He claimed that because most counties use punch cards that tell you to clearly punch your ballot no reasonable person could count a vote that wasn’t clearly punched all the way through. (Geoffrey R. Stone, Equal Protection? )The Florida Election Code states that â€Å"no vote shall be declared invalid if there is a clear indication of the intent of the voter†, also a 60 year old Florida Law precedent states that â€Å"must give statutes relating to elections a construction in favor of the citizen’s right to vote, and the intention of the voters should prevail when counting ballots† (Constitution of the State of Florida, As Revised in 1968) After hearing this, the other 6 Justices concluded that the Florida Supreme Court decision was in long established precedent and said it didn’t even raise a question under Article 2 of the Constitution.In simpler terms, stating that all of those votes were legal and that the standards set were sufficient to deter mine which votes should and should not be counted. Onto the Equal Protection Clause, the Supreme Court basically contradicts themselves on this matter. After stating the voting standards set by the Florida Supreme Court didn’t violate Article 2, they continued on to state that it violates the Equal Protection clause because â€Å"the standards for accepting or rejecting contested ballots might vary not only from county to county but even within a single county† (Geoffrey R.Stone, Equal Protection? ). What is startling is that the Florida Constitution states, â€Å"The intention of the voters should prevail when counting ballots† meaning that if there is any intention the vote should be counted, and if this wasn’t precise enough for the Supreme Court why did they vote to uphold it on the Article 2, Section 1 vote? If the Supreme Court required a uniform standard for counting and recounting votes in Florida, why does it not need a uniform standard for votin g?Is the fact that punch card voting has a sufficiently higher chance of having your vote not counted compared to computer voting where there is a bare minimum chance of your votes not being counted violating the Equal Protection Clause as well? Or is it the fact that punch card counties are more commonly in low income counties, who tend to vote Republican (Al Gore)? All of these things ould be seen as discriminatory or â€Å"not equal† as well as the non-uniform standard for counting, but if the Supreme Court has decided that the recount standard is in violation then in thought the whole Election should be rendered â€Å"Unconstitutional† and put to an end, correct? To continue, no it should not be put to an end. The Supreme Court should have ordered a stay on the Recount until a uniform standard was put in place for all of the Florida Counties and they should have ordered that every state have a uniform standard for Recounts for future elections.The Supreme Court mad e a Pragmatic but Unlawful decision in voting for the violation of the Equal Protection Clause which led to the stoppage of the 2000 Florida Recount. (Bo Li, Perspectives, Vol. 2, No. 3). This goes without mentioning the fact that Bush’s state of Texas had a uniform voting standard which allowed anything to be counted in the scenario of a recount including a dimpled chad. This means that Governor Bush signed in a bill that let any vote with slight intent be counted in the process of a Recount, yet is arguing that intent of a voter is an unconstitutional argument.This is hypocritical and shows a lack of character, if Bush truly believes in the Constitution he should be letting all the legal votes be counted to see if he actually won the Presidency of the United States. If Bush truly cared about the simple uniform standards for Recounting, he should have ordered for a stay until uniform standards were set in place. Instead he argued the entire Recount unconstitutional and the 5 -4 majority (5 Republican Judges-4 Democratic Judges) decided that there was no reason to Recount possibly legal votes when it had a chance of harming Bush’s chance to become Prime Minister.Legal analysts from all over the Country explained it as the Justices trying to make a pragmatic decision by putting an end to this controversy, turns out it backfired on them. (Geoffrey R. Stone, Equal Protection? ) The third point to be explained in this case is the ongoing controversy over voting deadlines and how the ever so bright Secretary of State in Florida Katherine Harris’ thoughts were constantly being controlled by Bush advisors. Katherine Harris (and Friends) made it very clear that they would ot be accepting votes after a certain deadline, which left no time for the original recount. All these votes had to be stamped and signed to be considered legal votes. This left the Democratic Party frantically trying to recount votes and get them stamped and in on time. When she ruled that if votes were not stamped and signed they could not be accepted, the Democratic Party argued that tons of Military votes could not be counted because they were very rarely stamped and signed. In the US there is no voting law that states Military Votes can be accepted with no signature or stamp.This obviously led to an uproar from Republicans (Who most military votes get casted for) because it was just unethical for the Democrats to take away illegal votes for the Republicans. What the Republicans fail to realize is that taking away Florida citizens legal votes because you are scared of losing is also unethical. The Democrats later changed their minds and told the Secretary to reconsider the Military votes and give them special consideration. (Joseph I. Lieberman, Military Ballots Merit a Review)There are a few other factors I would like to add to perspective before closing my argument, in Florida the Republican swayed Secretary of State Katherine Harris put 20 Thousand pe ople on the Voter Purge list. A Large group of these people had never done anything wrong, in particular an African-American Pastor could not vote because his name was similar to that of a hardened criminal in Florida (HBO Documentary, Recount). The most interesting fact of all was that the 3 Judges who voted for Bush in both instances (Rehnquist, Scalia, Thomas) were all considered Republican judges.In the last 30 years at the Supreme Court the 19 Cases involving the Equal Protection Clause concerning laws against race, elderly, and other minorities they voted a perfect 19 for 19 to uphold the Equal Protection Clause. Yet, the one case involving Politics and the party they are associated with they for some strange reason voted against it with very little reasoning. (Geoffrey R. Stone, Equal Protection? ) If that’s not Politics in Black Robes, what is. In Conclusion, Legal votes in Florida were not counted when they should have een. The various ideas such as the proper vote i n Article 2, Section 1, the contradiction and unlawful voting on the Equal Protection Clause and the confusing deadlines regarding votes were all examples of how things can be exacerbated by impartial Judges and Secretary of States. The votes in Florida should have been recounted after a uniform standard was put in place similar to the one in Texas and the real results of the 2000 Election should have been deciphered.All else aside, the whole United States should have a uniform voting, counting and recounting standard to eliminate all this confusion in the future. Bibliography http://www. leg. state. fl. us/statutes/index. cfm? mode=constitution&submenu=3 http://www. nytimes. com/2000/11/20/us/counting-vote-absentee-ballots-military-ballots-merit-review-lieberman-says. html? pagewanted=all&src=pm http://fathom. lib. uchicago. edu/1/777777122240/ http://www. oycf. org/Perspectives2/9_123100/bush_v1. htm HBO Documentary, Recount

Friday, September 27, 2019

Leadership and Strategic Management of Hallmark Essay

Leadership and Strategic Management of Hallmark - Essay Example Brand image is the latest method through which companies are trying to retain loyal customers. Hence brand image is a vital marketing activity. A brand is not merely a name or a logo or a slogan. It is the customers’ perception of the stimulus when the brand is presented.2 Three important guiding principles for developing strong labor-intensive brands are orchestrating the clues, connecting emotionally and internalizing the brand. Hallmark has not only tried to build its brand image but also used its brand to diversify into other sectors. Very recently, Working Mothers magazine has named Hallmark Cards Inc as one of the 2008 Working Mother 100 best companies. Hallmark has thrived on being a family-friendly company and supporting families have been a vital part of its culture. This is the reason the brand image of Hallmark has enhanced and they utilized the opportunity to grow. According to Working Mothers magazine, Hallmark’s HR policies are employee-friendly which make s them employers of choice. Hallmark employs renowned writers and editors, artists, art directors and other experts that help in giving the best to the people. Organizations become more innovative by capitalizing on their employees’ ability to innovate.3 This is something that can give the competitors something to worry about because Hallmark scores high on people management. A counter trend that can be found in the Hallmark products is the use of celebrity Humor cards. They use parodies of celebrities and politicians for their cards and they claim that they are not violating the right of these public figures. At times they do take permission from the celebrity concerned and they also pay royalties for it.  

OR Proceedures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

OR Proceedures - Essay Example Therefore, it is the responsibility of the nurse to carefully assess the magnitude of the patients' fears and duly inform the physician of the situation. It is also natural for a patient to feel fear of pain and discomfort. The nurse may alleviate the fear by assuring the patient of the availability of analgesic and anesthetic drugs during the surgery and the option of having a self-induced pain medication post-surgery. In cases where there is possibility of body mutilation/alteration and inability to perform activities of daily living (ADL) as a result of the operation or the prevailing disease, it is best for the nurse to give the emotional support the patient needs in an "open, nonjudgmental attitude" (Bucher et al., 2007, p.345). Furthermore, the nurse might seek the support of the patient's family to help the patient during this difficult time and inform both the patient and the patient's family of the availability of support groups and other medical teams that could help the pa tient adjust to the new situation. Careful, competent, and considerate care throughout the surgical experience will help reduce any anxiety felt by the patient and his family, will help assist in the recovery of the patient, as well as help prevent future complications. Preoperative Care In the preoperative period, it is essential that the nurse perform a thorough assessment of the patient's physiologic and psychologic status to ascertain the mental and physical fitness of the patient in going through with the procedure and, to determine the appropriate nursing intervention to be carried out in order to further prepare the patient for his surgical experience. Health and Medication History Taking. Relative information about the patients' past health and medication history including inherited familial traits might uncover facts that could very well hinder the possibility of having a safe and favorable surgical outcome and/or increase the risk factors of having the surgery. For this reason, information on previous hospitalizations, surgeries, allergies, genetic predispositions, past and present medications and, other health practices such as drinking or smoking habits should be collected and documented appropriately. Review of the Systems. Specific aspects of the body systems should also be assessed carefully and competently. It is very important that the preoperative nurse is knowledgeable of what to look for in each body system as this might, again, affect the overall outcome of the operation. Charting of the patients' intake and output in determining the fluid and electrolyte balance is critical for this purpose. Patient Teaching. Patient teaching should include learning needs, discussion of diagnostic tests, establishing diet regiments and family visits, review of OR procedures, effect of medications to be administered, purpose and administration procedure of IV therapy, pain and pain management, recovery process and, post-operative exercises to be learned. This would also be a good opportunity for the nurse to assess the knowledge of the patient regarding the why's and for's of the surgery and ascertain the need for further teaching from the physician. Surgical Preparation. Surgical preparation would depend on the type of surgery to be

Thursday, September 26, 2019

How the sector matrix framework is useful for analyzing demand and Essay

How the sector matrix framework is useful for analyzing demand and supply in an industry - Essay Example A strategic management system is one that maintains good follow up on matters in the firm over time. It is important that management strategies be consistent and systematic (Ansoff 1979). According to Porter (1985), a firm’s competitive advantage is achieved by quality development of differentiation and leadership in the chain of that firm. Porter classifies these chain activities into two groups; the primary and the support activities. Primary activities are activities such as marketing and sales, inbound-outbound logistics, and service. Inbound logistics receive actual raw material during the beginning of the production process. Operations comprises of physical activities of processing raw materials. Outbound logistics involve storage of produced goods while marketing and sales refers to the actual and physical processes of sale of goods and marketing. Services relate to activities that follow after sale to customers. Support activities include technology advancement, firm infrastructure and management of human resource. Primary systems are aided by firm infrastructure which consists of the company’s culture and its systems of control. The human resource management engages in activities like hiring, firing and training staff. Technology advancement factors are useful support to activities during work process and procurement such as purchasing and obtaining material. Primary activities are those activities directly and physically involved in the production process while support activities comprises of those processes indirectly and not physically involved in production and sale of products created. Furthermore, Porter argued that support activity provides an anchor on speci fic primary activities while firm infrastructure support the entire line as a whole. Sector matrix is a long known phenomenon. Since organization of production processes was challenged, it has been a topic of debate. The challenges began after Porter. When observations made by scholars of management like Geffen came up with the commodity value chains. Value chains are further argued against the sector matrix Froud et al (1998). Maiden arguments made concern overall effect of a single factor such as firm infrastructure on the cause of competitive advantage. It is argued that competitive advantage is an aspect of many activities incorporated together to gain the firm a general step ahead. This argument led to value adding effect of more than one activity being achieved in production, marketing and delivery of products. Sector matrix system is developed especially for complex management structures. Though a popular system that is established effectively in many organizations, the matri x has its limitations. Sector matrix is a system of management with a number of managers in different departments who report to one overall manager. The strategy is excellent in some large firms. It is however yet to be adopted by other companies that follow trend and wish to use it. Sector matrix framework has been an issue of trying and making mistakes. It has created such downfalls and rising cycles for companies trying to incorporate it for the very first time. Sector matrix in general is only efficient in the long run. Some of the challenges faced by organizations with or trying to adopt the matrix include; decision process complications. These could be lengthy since major decisions have to involve departments while it could just be

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Malcolm X Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Malcolm X - Essay Example His following into the wrong crowd is the aftermath of finding a job with the New York-Boston line, where he is forced to make the choice of joining a gang by virtue of being a black person and being of a different ethnic grouping from the rest of society, which is being black (Omi 10). The scene of Malcolm facing justice is peculiar to race issues in that other members of society from other races engaging in similar or worse activities were let off, as is the case of the Ku Klux Klan, who killed his father and no action was taken against them. This shows that certain members of a certain race can be held accountable for their own actions, while the rest based on their race can go scot free with no charge. Still on this scene, another concept comes up, where there are races that are higher than the rest in regard to who qualifies to join which corps in society and who does not, which brings forth the concept of segregation based on race. This is seen in the same scene in that there a re certain social problems that only affect certain races and not others, as Malcolm X is forced into the wrong crowd, where he joins a gang, not out of choice, but out of circumstances that he cannot help. With this in mind, race shows the scene shows the inequity amongst different races as it shows the gang problem as being unique to young black people living in the ghetto. The scene also raises the concept of moral responsibility found among different races, which is not common to all, as certain races tend to engage in certain conduct. This issue is intertwined with the earlier issue raised on unique problems affecting certain races in that joining gangs is made to appear as a thing only black youth would do and not the rest of the society. This is to mean that only black youth did drugs, as Malcolm X was an active participant in peddling coke for the local gang leader, according to the 1992 movie. The movie only depicts one other gang that is not of African American origin enga ging in gang and criminal activity, which is the Ku Klux Klan, and its depiction is that it is a white supremacist groups aimed at lowering the dignity of the local black people. The awareness of the moral issues is that racially, white supremacy groups are not morally wrong in trumping on the interest and rights of the black people, who they perceive as lesser beings compared to themselves (Omi 11). In race, the issue of double standards is brought again in this scene in that it shows the shifting goal posts of morality and rulings based on who is who in society, all based on the color of the skin and ethnicity. The same scene of the Ku Klux Klan draws the concept of race as a concept, where segregation thrives based on cultural differences, as well as the differences of skin color. This is as can be seen in the killing of Malcolm X’s father when Malcolm X was a child, which then brings to perspective how race makes people socially incompatible based on color and cultural va lues. The Ku Klux Klan could not handle the fact that there were black people and white people in the same society thus social supremacy comes in. In conclusion, the movie Malcolm X of 1992 on different levels draws out the concepts of race based on

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Assessment one Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Assessment one - Essay Example A similar holding was made in Harris 3 where the plaintiff lost his claims for loss of time and expense despite withdrawal of the advertised furniture from sale. An exception is the Carlill case 4 where an advertisement sufficiently constituted an offer to sell because it was a unilateral offer to sell to the world, which can be accepted by satisfying the condition required. Also, purchase of the product was enough consideration and the intent to be legally bound was proven by the deposit of  £1000 to the Bank. Thus, Chantelle’s advertisement is just an invitation to treat. Moreover, the exchange between Ben and Chantelle over the telephone lacks certainty and merely involves a request for information similar to Stevenson v McLean 5 where it a request for information was held not a counteroffer. Ben’s offer is only constituted the moment he wrote to Chantelle but such an offer is subject to acceptance, which did not happen. Felthouse v Bindley 6 held that acceptance must be communicated to the offeror. The lack of valid acceptance here militates against the forming of a valid

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Role of Music in My Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Role of Music in My Life - Essay Example Personally, music usually caters to my different moods. For instance, when I am feeling lonely, I listen to classical music because the kinds of Bach and Beethoven have a soothing effect that penetrates the heart. When I feel so down and hopeless, I listen to inspirational songs that lift my spirits up. I believe this manner is really very effective because after some time, I feel a lot better and continue to live, inspired. At other times, there are feelings I cannot quite express especially with the people I love, like anger. I turn to music, to songs that convey messages that relate to my situation. Songs sometimes teach me as well about facts of life especially regarding feelings and it helps to know that I am not alone in the struggles I meet. When I am glad, I also turn to music which I believe is how most of us express our happiness. Music gives the joy like what being in love brings, that is why there are so many songs that tell different love stories. Probably, it could also be said that music is another universal language aside from love.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Presumption of Innocence Essay Example for Free

Presumption of Innocence Essay In a court of law everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty by a judge and/or a jury consisting of their peers. This is the basis of the presumption of innocence clause. There are many cases that we can look at in order to provide a detailed explaination to this clause. The one the we will review in this paper is the Casey Anthony case. This is a perfect case to review for this cause. The Presumption of Innocence clause involves the fifth and fourteenth ammendments which will be further explained. When we are dealing with people or are thought to be guilty of any crime we need to remember this clause and give them the benefit of the doubt that they actually did not commit the crime until we can prove that they actually did. This paper will discuss all of these things and more to provide people with a better understanding of the Presumption of Innocence clause. Presumption of innocence is defined as â€Å"the government always has the burden to justify its use of power even against people who turn out to be guilty.† (Samaha,p481) This basically means that it is the prosecutions responsibility to present evidence and to convince a jury that a criminal is guilty of the crime in question. A suspect in any crime should be considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. When a person is arrested we automatically assume that they are guilty of whatever crime they have committed but have you ever seen someone get arrested and be released after their trial was over because a jury found them not guilty? I believe everyone has witnessed this occurance. We may not like to discuss it but they Casey Anthony case is a big case that deals with this. Casey Anthony  was arrested and tried for the murder of her daughter Caylee Anthony in 2008. Evidence used to detain Anthony included a nine inch piece of hair obtained from the trunk of Anthony’s car, a prestigious scientist found an abundant level of chloroform in the trunk of Anthony’s car, The piece of hair found in the trunk was proven to be that of Caylee Anthony as well as proven to be that of a postmorteum Caylee, and a rare kind of duct tape that was found on Caylee’s body was also found within the Anthony family garage. There was so much evidence proving her guilt but a jury found her not guilty due to lack of hard evidence. The jurors for this case wanted more evidence against her that they did not receive from the prosecution, in which is the reasoning behind finding her not guilty. Personally I think she did kill her daughter or had some part in the killing. Again that is my personal opinion but some people think she is definitely innocent. There is never a sure way of knowing whether or not that person is guilty unless there is hard evidence to prove it or the criminal was caught in the act and everything has to be right on point. I do not think that there is ever going to be a sure way to prove a person guilty upon their arrest because in order to do so we would have to honestly have a group of peers look upon any given case and say that the person is definitely guilty. Again that will never happen! The only crimes that I believe is an absolute guilty is driving while intoxicated or knowingly driving with a suspended or revoked license. There is really no way in being innocent when you are caught for these crimes. All in all just about everyone that gets arrested should be considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. References Samaha, J. , 2011, Criminal Law (Tenth Edition), Wadsworth Cengage Learning Summary of Casey Anthony Murder Trial, 2011, The Caylee Daily

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Rome and Milan During the Renaissance Essay Example for Free

Rome and Milan During the Renaissance Essay The Renaissance is a period in the history of Europe beginning in about 1400. The word Renaissance in French means rebirth. During the Renaissance, there were many famous artists, many writers and many philosophers. Many people studied mathematics and different sciences. A person who is knowledgeable in many different things is sometimes called a Renaissance man. Leonardo da Vinci, who was a painter, a scientist, a musician and a philosopher, is the most famous Renaissance Man. The Renaissance started in Italy but soon spread across the whole of Europe. People † The time of Ancient Greece and Rome, when there were many philosophers, writers, painters, sculptors, architects and mathematicians was seen by people as a Golden Age, a time when things were beautiful, well-organized and well-run. This time had lasted from about 400 BC to about 400 AD. In the year 1400, in the city of Rome, people could wander around looking up at the ruins of a city that had once been great. Inside the broken walls that had been smashed in 410 AD were the remains of huge temples, sports arenas, public baths, apartment blocks and palaces. Nearly all of them were ruined and could not be used. Nearly all of them were half-buried in dirt. A lot of them were pulled down to use as building stone. But they showed people what great things could be done. Among the ruins of this once-great city, the people of Rome lived in cottages. They still went to church in the huge churches (basilicas) built by the first Christian Emperor, Constantine the Great, in the 4th century. They still held market day in the Ancient Roman market place of Campo dei Fiori (Field of Flowers). One day in 1402, into the middle of Rome, came a young man called Filippo Brunelleschi and a teenage boy called Donatello. They were fascinated by everything that they saw. They measured ancient ruined buildings, they drew things and they dug around for weeks looking for bits of broken statues and painted pottery that they could stick together. They were probably the worlds first archaeologists. By the time they went back home to Florence, they knew more about Ancient Roman architecture and sculpture than anyone had known for about a thousand years. Brunelleschi became a very famous architect and Donatello became a very famous sculptor. They both used the ideas that they had, when they were studying the remains of ancient Rome†. [1] During the renaissance there was great economic growth. †In the 13th century, much of Europe experienced strong economic growth. The trade routes of the Italian states linked with those of established Mediterranean ports and eventually the Hanseatic League of the Baltic and northern regions of Europe to create a network economy in Europe for the first time since the 4th century. The city-states of Italy expanded greatly during this period and grew in power to become de facto fully independent of the Holy Roman Empire; apart from the Kingdom of Naples, outside powers kept their armies out of Italy. During this period, the modern commercial infrastructure developed, with double-entry book-keeping, joint stock companies, an international banking system, a systematized foreign exchange market, insurance, and government debt. [2] Florence became the centre of this financial industry and the gold florin became the main currency of international trade. The new mercantile governing class, who gained their position through financial skill, adapted to their purposes the feudal aristocratic model that had dominated Europe in the Middle Ages. A feature of the High Middle Ages in Northern Italy was the rise of the urban communes which had broken from the control by bishops and local counts. In much of the region, the landed nobility was poorer than the urban patriarchs in the High Medieval money economy whose inflationary rise left land-holding aristocrats impoverished. The increase in trade during the early Renaissance enhanced these characteristics. The decline of feudalism and the rise of cities influenced each other; for example, the demand for luxury goods led to an increase in trade, which led to greater numbers of tradesmen becoming wealthy, who, in turn, demanded more luxury goods. This change also gave the merchants almost complete control of the governments of the Italian city-states, again enhancing trade. One of the most important effects of this political control was security. Those that grew extremely wealthy in a feudal state ran constant risk of running afoul of the monarchy and having their lands confiscated, as famously occurred to Jacques Coeur in France. The northern states also kept many medieval laws that severely hampered commerce, such as those against usury, and prohibitions on trading with non-Christians. In the city-states of Italy, these laws were repealed or rewritten†. [2] Romans architecture was also something developed during the renaissance. â€Å"The obvious distinguishing features of Classical Roman architecture were adopted by Renaissance architects. However, the forms and purposes of buildings had changed over time, as had the structure of cities. Among the earliest buildings of the reborn Classicism were churches of a type that the Romans had never constructed. Neither were there models for the type of large city dwellings required by wealthy merchants of the 15th century. Conversely, there was no call for enormous sporting fixtures and public bath houses such as the Romans had built. The ancient orders were analysed and reconstructed to serve new purposes†. [3] â€Å"The Roman orders of columns are used:- Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian and Composite. The orders can either be structural, supporting an arcade or architrave, or purely decorative, set against a wall in the form of pilasters. During the Renaissance, architects aimed to use columns, pilasters, and entablatures as an integrated system. One of the first buildings to use pilasters as an integrated system was in the Old Sacristy (1421–1440) by Brunelleschi†. [4] There were some people in Rome who weren’t Christian and even opposed it. â€Å"There are thousands of instances of this kind, where nothing will prevail,not even the majesty of the Christian name nor reverence for Christ himself (whom the angels fall down and worship, though weak and depraved mortals may insult him), nor yet the fear of punishment or the armed inquisitors of heresy. The prison and stake are alike impotent to restrain the impudence of ignorance or the audacity of heresy†. [5] The Roman renaissance was the greatest renaissance. â€Å"They left Florence for a city that was greater than Florence ever dreamed of being, They left for the imperial city they left for rome†. [6] Milan was also very important in the renaissance. â€Å"When we think of the Renaissance we automatically think of Italy, but we must not fall into thinking of the Italian peninsula during this time as a nation. Far from it he southern half of the Italian boot was the Kingdom of Naples. In the North was the most powerful of the city-statesthe Duchy of Milan†. [7] â€Å"Central to the city of Milan were the Dominicans. Church and state were not separate but two legs of a single civic being, neither of which could have survived long without the other. The home of the Dominicans, the church of Santa Maria della Grazie went from being a modest oratory in the middle ages to a major cathedral with its own elaborate monastery complex in the fifteenth century, becoming the centre of all learning in the city. It was here, in the refectory (dining hall) that Leonardo staged his Last Supper. It was here Bramante learned his trade, laying the foundation for the new St. Peters Cathedral in Rome. Unlike Venice or Florence, or Rome, Milan (aside from the Last Supper) is not known for its painting but for its robust power and pursuit of scientific knowledge. Architecture and engineering, science and religion were the key elements in its strong, towering presence as it cast a ponderous shadow over all of Italy during this time. †[8] References

Friday, September 20, 2019

Effects Of Culture Shock Education Essay

Effects Of Culture Shock Education Essay With the development of global strategy these decades, joint-venture enterprises has an obvious growth all over the world, meanwhile a large number of Chinese enterprises were built up in foreign countries and vise versa. At the same time, lots of senior managers will work or study techniques in foreign country, even their family members need to go abroad to live together with them. At the beginning of changing the work environment and colleague, most of managers can not adapt to it to some extent. Moreover, an increasing of number students choose to complete their study in a foreign country, it acclimatized international students to the strange environment.. The culture shock can bring positive effects, but at the same time, it also can affect people in a negative way. Purpose This article investigates how overseas students encounter the culture shock when they first time to go abroad and how to minimize or prevent culture shock. It will examine the causes and effects of culture shock from the following aspects, one is different lifestyle: food and timetable; another is education system Definition of culture shock According to Oberg the world famous cultural anthropologist, the culture shock maybe defined as a state that people who are the first time come to a new country because of psychological lost, language barrier, unfamiliar environment, different culture background or other aspects they can not adapt to this atmosphere immediately then caused confusion, helplessness, homesick and anxiety (Eschbach et al, 2001) Main body Different food caused culture shock Lots of students make a decision to study in foreign countries after the graduate from Senior High School or undergraduate, the first time that they come to a new strange country, the language barrier limit their communication with local people, so it will be posed many problems for them, one of them is the different lifestyle, the diet habits is very different from their native country, so they will exclude all things this country brings to them. Therefore, it is essential for students to do everything with their interest, curiosity and willingness, in contrast, if they live with exclusive emotional, it will lead to many psychological discomfort (Phillips, 2003). First of all, the most obvious aspect present is the daily diet, especially on food, Changes in weight may indicate that a person is experiencing culture shock. So can an obsessive increase in washing or cleaning. Avoiding social contact, sleeping too much and homesickness are all additional symptoms of culture shock.(Barker, 2012) at the beginning of their new life, they will not eat anything or eat less than before and then they will think these sorts of food do not suit their taste. after one week or month, it is obvious that they get thinner, for example, a lot of international students the first time to go abroad, they do not like the western food, not only expensive but also not healthy, in Asia countries, people preferred to eat rice, noodles, dumplings as their staple food, then they will cook some various of vegetables or soup eating with rice, this is their diet habit. Because they can not get their ideal diet, they will extremely feel homesick. At the beginning of entering a new environment, they can not find their native countries stores to purchase their domestic food, the price of food maybe higher than their country, so they eat less and usually feel hungry and eager to come back to home to enjoy a great fancy dinner with their family members. The first thing they do is to go everywhere to find their countries restaurant, at this time is the most difficult stage for overseas students, they will miss their domestic friends, their parents or all of the things and food of their own countries. For example, when students encounter some obstacles like culture shock, the friend is their first choice to ask for help, friends can give them some advices and problem-solving methods to them, helping them out and tide them through difficult times.(Aronson et al, 2005). Maybe it is common that people eat some pieces of bread with delicious cheese, kinds of sweet jam and a cup of coffee or milk, sometimes we can see children eat great sandwiches or hot dog with a cup of juice in their breakfast time, in lunch or dinner time, the table we see more is the potato with ketchup, bacon, steak chicken wings and different types of pasta, this is their daily diet habit, they eat much of meat. So, a lot of international students can not adapt to t his kind of lifestyle. Most of students in china, they eat various of gruel, soup with an egg, it is usually for Chinese to eat noodles, rice, dumplings with soya-bean milk. Maybe they think it is healthy than others and can suit Chinese students taste, but coming to a new country, perhaps international students will change their own diet habit in order to adapt to this new country quickly. Different timetable caused culture shock Another lifestyle that international students maybe face is the timetable, every country has their own timetable, so many students can not adapt the time this country plan to , a typical example is that in UK, most of shopping malls or stores will be closed before 17:30, you can see few persons walked in the city central, a lot of overseas students think it is boring and very different from their own country, in other countries people are crazy about shopping in the evening and they had adapted to the night life of their native-born country, furthermore, the class time is also have some differences compared with other countries, in some countries ,they may start their first class after eight oclock or later and finish it so earlier. By contrast, in china, students begin class from 7:30 in the morning till to 6:00 in the evening, after 6:00 pm students will have self-study time , it also can be called homework time, plenty of homework for students to finish by themselves, after the first time they left home to a new start of their life, they may not like this atmosphere of this country gave them, at this time, a lot of international students will feel so boring and lonely  ¼Ã…’even much of helpless, maybe they will cry at their accommodation at night and want to return back to home and give up studying in abroad. Moreover, they will keep in touch with their friends or parents, talking on the phone everyday with their parents, this method can reduced their helplessness, homesick and help them to develop the sense of security, and also help them to got encouragement from family members (Scheyvens, 2003). Different education system caused culture shock The following aspect is the different education systemmost of international students can not adapt to the different style of teaching immediately, in some countries, teachers pay more attention to the students self-study and practice, it can be take the British education into an example, in UK, maybe the teachers think in the process of searching the sources, students can gain more knowledge than they taught to them, teachers told students the task ,topic and the method to find information, then students need to find some resources and finish it by themselves. Sometimes, tutor will discuss with students to provide some suggestions for them. The final exam maybe several subjects not all of subjects need to sit down to write 2 long hours test, it is important for students to guarantee the attendance and participate part, the final essay students will complete it by themselves, maybe it accounts for the largest proportion, so, a lot of international students come to a different country can not adapt to this kind of educational system, generating heavy stress for their professional learning. If overseas students can adapt to this education system in the shortest possible time it can bring much benefits to these students, pupils with high self-efficiency general have faith in their capability to complete their own tasks well. They work harder and experience less anxiety when they have something in trouble, due to they believe that they can succeed with much confidence However, people often not full confidence with low self-efficacy that they usually think they cannot perform works well, so they usually tend to give up easily and experience more anxiety when facing troubles. Lack of confidence is the most important reason for their failure (Aronson et al, 2005). So, it is important for international students to overcome troubles with self-confidence. They can learn more useful knowledge and continue to enhance their ability step by step. However ,in other countries especially in some Asian countries , maybe teachers lay emphasis on theory  ¼Ã…’tutors told the answers to students and forced them to recite all of them, this cramming systems caused many of students can not adapt to that kind of self-study system when they study in UK or other countries, this kind of students do not know how to start their first step and lots of students continue to study learn by rote ,it is difficult for them to change the method at once, meanwhile, they feel so depressed and lack of confidence, after this circumstance it will result in the negative effects to international students, large number of students will not catch up with lessons and also are not available to catch teachers point, a long time later ,it will caused a lot of students make no attempt to make progress , get lost in his own way and give themselves up as hopeless replaced. Even more serious effect arouse to is the plagiarism phenomenon, due to the academic knowl edge capability and language level limited, many students copy others result and caused plagiarism problems. The possible adverse impact is to fail their course and come back to home. This phenomenon often happened in university. How to overcome culture shock According to Ferraro (2006), the better method for students to know about the culture shock completely is from the psychological field to analyze the culture shock and improve the successful rate of living in overseas, trying to make more international friends and sharing your happiness and frustration with them, encouraging each other and spend the difficult time together. Conclusion According to the introduction, it can be see that food, timetable and education can result in culture shock ¼Ã…’culture is defined as the every side of life, large number of international students can not adapt to the change of a new environment and need time to change their mind and accept new things ,during this orientation time, with optimism attitudes to accept different learning style and with full self-confidence to overcome all obstacles ,accommodate to various food taste, set goal orientation for themselves, avoid the negative effect that culture shock bring to them.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Antigone and A Doll’s House feminine comparison Essay -- Gender Roles,

â€Å"The emotional, sexual, and psychological stereotyping of females begins when the doctor says, ‘It's a girl.’† (Chisholm). Where do women fit in the social order of society today? Many women today fit in the same role as they would have been expected to long ago. Though generally speaking, women have a lot more options today. The male hierarchy still governs most aspects of society, but with many more limitations because women are discovering that they can stand on their own, and have no need for constant regulating from their male counterparts. Patriarchal influences are the base of society. In Antigone Sophocles tells a tale about Greek values and women’s status. Antigone has just witnessed her two brothers kill each other; one brother died defending Thebes and the other died betraying it. Creon’s law keeps anyone from burying the traitor and Antigone is set on contravening this. Conversely, Ibsen’s playwright, A Doll’s House, i s a story about an intelligent woman, Nora, who is misunderstood by her husband, Torvald. She takes desperate measures to keep her family intact but in the end wines up going out on her own. As the stories progress the both Nora’s and Antigone’s characteristics become very similar in that they are both rebellious, are subservient to male jurisdiction, and are resolute and strong-willed in their decision. Firstly, Antigone and Nora are both mildly chaotic and rebellious. Women, at those times have certain expectations of following patriarchal jurisdiction. When Antigone goes against Creons law she shows her rebellious side. Nora’s seditiousness is demonstrated when Mrs.Linden converses with her and says, â€Å"Why, a wife can’t borrow money without her husband’s consent†(Ibsen 151). During Ibsen’s era many... ...igone is expected to be subservient, but has an urge to defy. Ismene tries to remind her about women’s place in society, but fails in trying to persuade Antigone. Nora all her life has been the little helpless lark that cannot think for herself. Torvald sees her as what a woman was expected to be, and she is powerless. The resoluteness and the strong-will of both Antigone and Nora are vital. Without these qualities they would not of gotten far in their campaigns. Antigone has the constant but shaky decisiveness throughout the story. While, Nora has an unclear decisiveness until the very end when she completely decides to move out and is unwavering to Torvald’s pleas. These characters tell the story of women in the past that have paved the way for women today. Without them who knows how women would have been treated today? Surely, their actions were greatly needed.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Sir Joseph John Thomson :: biographies bio

"Could anything at first sight seem more impractical than a body which is so small that its mass is an insignificant fraction of the mass of an atom of hydrogen?" -- J.J. Thomson. * Sir Joseph John Thomson was born December 18, 1856 in Cheetham Hill near Manchester, England. * His dad was a bookkeeper in Manchester who died with Thomson was 16 years old. * He entered Owens College, now known as the Victoria University of Manchester, at age 14. * There he took courses in experimental physics and math. * In 1876, he obtained a scholarship for Trinity College, University of Cambridge, and remained there for the rest of his life. * In 1890, he married Rose Elisabeth. * He and Rose had a son, Sir George Paget Thomson, Emeritus Professor of Physics at London University, and a daughter. * Thomson taught mathematics and physics at Cambridge, succeeding Lord Rayleigh as professor of physics at the age of 27. * He became director of Cambridge's Cavendish Laboratory to do research from 1884 through 1919. * For his involvement in the scientific community, he was appointed president of the Royal Society, a position he maintained from 1915 through 1920. * He was invited to be professor of natural philosophy at the Royal Institute of Great Britain from 1905 to 1918. * He served as master of Trinity College from 1918 until his death. * He was also very active in many other fields of interest other than science. He was involved in politics, current fiction, drama, university sports, and the non-technical aspects of science. * His greatest interest outside of physics was plants. He enjoyed walks in the hilly regions near Cambridge, where he searched for rare botanical specimens for his garden. * He died August 30, 1940 at Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England. He was given the honor of burial in the Westminster Abbey. * J.J. Thomson attempted to solve the argument on the nature of cathode rays in 1897. For these investigations he won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1906.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

McDonald S Thesis

For example, Mange Nasal Food Corporation launched its new available products that truly its the Pinot palate, called â€Å"Mange Nasal Halo Halo†; pinot-Kananga, creamy scrap, compared to its former desserts, which is now being loved by many of their customers. The company launched this product as a latest counterpart for those new products being produced by its rival companies like Chocking, which recently launched their new varieties of foods.However, the basis of winning Filipino loyalty is not just lies upon the taste of the food, but more so, upon how the company values the importance of time to their customers, their status, financial capacity, and establishing a pleasant relationship with hem. In this age of commercialism, in an age where societies are depending upon the businesses of both small and big capitalists, food industry occupies the fundamental and the dominating place in the market since its nature responds to the most basic and vital need of the people â₠¬â€œ food.Everywhere, every corner of the streets in our nation, there are presence of food and beverage establishments; establishments that played a role of great importance in the midst of an active society. In this age, where people are so engrossed by their jobs or anything that exhaust their mind, fast-food chain r mobile food services play an important aspect in order for them to manage stress by experiencing an excellent dining phenomenon. Their goal is to provide the consumers with full satisfaction, starting from the time they enter into the store until they leave, according to the need of their satisfaction.Mange Nasal was first established in the town of San Bernardino, California in 1940. Americans widely embraced their products until some branches were also established in different parts of the world. In 1981, a Filipino businessman named George Yen brought the name of McDonald's to the Philippines, and founded the first branch in Moray, Manila. Filipinos loved those va rieties of products offered by the company, until branches were also launched in the Visas and Mindanao region.McDonald's also established their own charitable institution and received its first award in 1 996 for being one of the most profitable franchise in Asia. Today, the company continues in serving the Filipino people, launching a total Of 460 branches nationwide. But the competition in the market is becoming more intense. Before McDonald's established in the Philippines, those growing companies such as Jollied, KEF, Tropical Hut and Man's Restaurant are beginning to gain foothold upon the heart of the Filipino.Everyone is promising full customer satisfaction; everyone is launching their own variety of food that will surely captivate the common taste. Aside from this, new food companies begin to emerge offering some kind of foreign taste that will also suit the wants of the Filipino, such as Chocking. How then McDonald's handle this the kind of fierce competition among food in dustries? How they will secure the loyalty of their customers from their rivals? On the other hand, what are those indications hat these customers are not loosing their loyalty to their company?This paper will discuss the current state of the McDonald's company on their buyers' point of view. By conducting interviews and gathering available documents, the researchers of this paper presented sufficient information according to what has been required in the topic. Statement of the Problem Filipinos are well-known food lovers in the world. In fact, they have light meal times called â€Å"Marianne time†, a snack break-time different from those three meals being taken each day. These snacks or â€Å"Marianne† have usually taken teens lunch and dinner, or even before bedtime and during â€Å"siesta† at the middle of the night.Today, going to fast-food chains is becoming part of Filipinos fundamental â€Å"wants†, not just because of its mouth-watering foods and delightful toppings, but because of its affordability compared with those native delicacies. Their recipes are first widely recognized since the coming of foreign food varieties in the country. Their producers are hardly competing in the market, and among them, McDonald's is building up a sphere of great popularity in an outstanding speed, becoming people's utterance more than TTS local petty counterparts, and establishing loyalty among its customers.The aim of this paper is to define those indicators proving that some fast-food goers are now shifting their loyalty towards this American founded food company. These indicators are based upon interviews conducted both among store personnel and customers. In order to establish this aim, the researchers divided this topic into six sub-issues; a. Define the class of people who often eat McDonald's products. B. Discover the marketing plan of the company in order to win the taste of its current buyers. C. Discover the uniqueness of McDonal d's products compared to other fast-food sellers. D.Learn how the company maintains the loyalty of its customers. E. Know if the company has any other plans or strategy in order to secure customer loyalty from the future changes of competition in the market and switching taste of Filipino people. Significance of the Study Since McDonald's is one of the fastest growing fast-food chain in the country, with 400 branches already established nationwide, earning a large number Of customers ranging from the common class of people up to some rich local ND foreign food lovers, this paper will provide the readers with information on how the company acquire and maintain loyalty among its customers.Readers should not expect any negative issues about the company's products, but rather we will discuss the bright side in terms of its market for the benefit of those who want to engage in the same food business. Other sectors that can benefit from this paper include the following; A. Society The soc iety will know how McDonald's helps them to satisfy their hunger and financial capacity despite of their wants to taste delightful products at an affordable price.This paper will also provide them some significant information about the quality of products McDonald's are offering to them, including total satisfaction it had promised to their customers. B. Students of Entrepreneurial and Marketing Management Discussing the marketing plan and strategy of the company would be a great help for students taking up Entrepreneurial and Marketing Management since their effectiveness was already proven in the market.Since the company offers insufficient details about their plan and sales rate through the internet, he researchers of this paper exert all their effort to acquire some basic information through interviews conducted among the company's personnel and costumers so that the students will be informed about the secrets behind the product's success despite the fact that it was just recent ly established compared to its counterparts. C.Small Fast-food Business Owners In the midst of intense competition in the market, particularly among food industries, this paper will help those small fast-food business owners to go along with those successful food businesses in winning the publics taste. They can acquire the ideas being presented in this paper, or at least add them with their unique ideas so that they may leave any peculiar mark upon those people who bought their product.The basic marketing strategy of McDonald's was proven to be effective, therefore adding any peculiar ideas to this strategy or some sort of ingredients to the product itself may help them to secure customers loyalty from the future changes in the market or from the constantly changing tastes of the people. D. Aspiring Business Beginners This paper will help not only those who want to be engaged in the food equines, but also those who are thinking a kind of business that will surely win the favor of t he mass.People nowadays are becoming more practical in terms of financial matters without dropping their desire to at least experience some sort of luxury. Therefore, this paper will provide them such a business idea that will suit to the basic needs and wants of the common people at a very affordable price. Scope and Limitations This paper aims to show those indications of customer loyalty towards their favorite fast-food hangout despite the fierce competition among food industries.Since the topic focused on the relationship between the McDonald's Company and its customers, it is very important to present some documents concerning the company's sales and the customers' point of view toward the products, based upon those information available through business periodicals, internet sources, and the target sales board being presented in a certain McDonald's branch. Because of this, the researchers sought the help of some employees in order to present important details in relation to t he topic, because they believe that reaching the target sales of a retain branch indicates a positive response from its loyal customers.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Graphic Design

Visual communication is the transformation of thoughts and ideas into pictures, photos, graphs and drawings. It is considered as the most interesting and fascinating form of communication because of the creativity it contains and the vision it requires. According to Wikipedia, visual communication is most commonly used daily when surfing the internet because a person uses his eyes to view the websites therefore the content of the website should be clear and understandable for the viewer’s eyes. It is usually practiced by using the means of graphic design in order to put across their ideas into pictures or real life projects. This paper will talk about Graphic design, Graphic Designers, the steps a person needs to take to become a graphic designer, all the different fields in graphic design and the way the United Arab Emirates supports its students and future designers. Graphic designers are needed in all types of corporations including commercial and entertainment businesses. In accordance to Wikipedia, â€Å"graphic design is the process of communicating visually using text and images to present information. In contrast to what people might think, graphic design â€Å"often refers to both the process (designing) by which the communication is created and the products (designs) which are generated. † In order for a person to choose graphic design as a career path , that person should be exceptionally creative and artistic, capable of working under pressure to meet de adlines, and has the ability to communicate well with others because his job description will oblige him to correspond with clients frequently and execute their requirements and desires in his/her work. In reference to newsbytes, a graphic designer should be well aware of the functionality of his/her design rather than just being worried about meeting with the client’s request. â€Å"Give clients what they really need, not what they say they need† says Brad Husick, director of marketing for Clement Mok Design. Since graphic designers are responsible for designing the layouts of books, magazines, journals, websites and advertisements, they should always try to modernize their ideas by time in order for their business to receive more clients and become more successful. Another requirement of becoming a graphic designer is to receive a certificate that proves the person is capable of using any program that is relevant to design, since employers won’t request work experience but they would rather have a person with skill rather than experience (The Advertiser, March 1991). There is a long list to go through in order for a person to choose what part of graphic design he/she want to specialize in. That list includes creative director, layout artist, brand identity design, logo designer, flash designer, illustrator, technical illustrator, Photoshop artist, multimedia designer, photographer, prepress technician and a web designer. Each of these job titles has responsibilities such as, a creative director is responsible for â€Å"making sure that each of these workers produce and complete their work on time and to the client’s satisfaction. † A logo designer’s job is â€Å"to provide a new and innovative way to express the key message of a company through a recognizable image. And a web designer ‘s job is to create the pages, layout, and graphics for web pages, they play a key role in the development of a website. † Each one of these jobs requires different courses, different certificates, and different experience, but they all share the sense of creativity and inventiveness in them. They also require a sense of â€Å"visual and organizational s kills† in order for them to complete their vital duties towards the customers and their requests. In addition, these jobs require attention to detail, problem solving skills, and an up to date knowledge of using new design software. As for graphic designers in the United Arab Emirates, they are mostly local women who aspire to play an important role in the development in their country and hope to offer back just a part of what their country offered them as of education and job opportunities. I interviewed a small number of Zayed University Graphic design students, who are exceptionally enjoying their courses and university experience, partly because of the encouraging and artistic environment that surrounds them from teachers, colleagues and administrators. A graduated student commented on her own work â€Å"after accomplishing your design and perfecting it, you get a great sense of satisfaction and contentment from within. † (AlSiri,F. )She also talked about how her family are exceedingly supportive to her studies and designs and continuously try to help her improve her designs and outcomes. The majority of the students agreed that their university is tremendously encouraging and that their teachers are always enthusiastic about their work and designs and re continuously motivating them to work harder and achieve higher positions. They also praised the encouragement and support of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashed Al-Maktoum for the female students who are trying their best to fulfill their dreams and improve the development of their country, whereas he has made everything uncomplicated for them and helped them by promoting women as leaders and motivating women to head their own businesses and offices through his Highnessà ¢â‚¬â„¢ establishment for supporting small businesses. In conclusion, graphic design is an extremely interesting but difficult profession that requires a variety of skills due to its involvement in both art, I. T and communication. Whereas a graphic designer should learn how to communicate well with his clients, as a part of his job, in order for him to succeed and complete his work creatively yet to the client’s liking. Additionally, a graphic designer should be very accurate with his deadlines and might sometimes renounce the privilege of sleep, rest or food just to complete his requested orders and tasks. This career path is proven to be for individuals that have the ability and will to work hard and part of a team in order to accomplish the impossible, it also requires a passion for creating new designs and accepting criticism from people with different tastes. Communication research paper Graphic Design

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Faulty Organizational Behavior in Tyco International Ltd

Most employees travel to and from the workplace each day with the ultimate goal to successfully perform their assigned job according to company standards. These company standards may include agendas, mission statements, professional conduct guidelines and even a code of ethics. How employees choose to follow company standards may govern their overall progress or success. While some may deviate from standards and fail, others may find themselves slipping through cracks unnoticed. Either way, the rules were broken. This paper will examine the failure suffered by Tyco International Ltd where leadership, management, and organizational structures were compromised. Let us start with the aftermath. According to MSNBC (2005), â€Å"Kozlowski and Swartz were accused of giving themselves more than $150 million in illegal bonuses and forgiving loans to themselves, besides manipulating the company’s stock price† (Corporate Scandals, para 14). Clearly, a scandal had hit Tyco International Ltd. Not only did former top executives slip themselves extra money, but they also toyed around with the stock prices. These actions had made the powerful men very wealthy. They also affected the lives of other individuals. During the trial, Kozlowski and Swartz pointed out that unlike WorldCom and Enron, Tyco continued to thrive as a company after the scandal (MSNBC, 2005). While this may have been a valid point, we cannot dismiss the fact that stealing, fraud, and self-indulgence had been present in the company. Now we will examine how the management, leadership, and organizational structure of Tyco International Ltd contributed to this failure. Robbins and Judge (2007) explain how managers coordinate social units of an organization in order to achieve common goals. Management performs several functions in a company that may include: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling (Robbins & Judge, 2007). As mentioned above, these functions are performed within social units to achieve common goals set by the company. Should deviation occur, it becomes the manager’s responsibility to get the employees back on track. The management at Tyco International Ltd strayed off course. Instead of performing tasks for the greater good of all members of the company, top xecutives allowed self-interest to govern decision-making. While managerial functions may have remained in place, the goals of these functions became malicious. Top executives began to plan, organize, lead and control in a fashion that was not in the best interest of all company members. An important managerial function is leading. â€Å"When managers motivate employees, direct the activities of others, select the most effective communication channels, or resolve conflicts among members, they’re engaging in leading† (Robbins & Judge, 2007, p. ). Tyco experienced a lack of honest leadership. While some of the normal leadership was maintained to ensure the overall success of the company, there were areas that were intentionally pointed in the wrong direction. The corrupt executives started to make decisions that resulted in large sums of money directed their way. Stock price adjustment and illegal bonuses represented leadership that was no longer in the best interest of the company. These leaders chose to use power in a self-gratifying way. As a result, Kozlowski and Swartz entered a case that â€Å"exposed the executive’s extravagant lifestyle after they pilfered some $600 million from the company including a $2 million toga party for Kozlowski’s wife on a Mediterranean island and an $18 million Manhattan apartment with a $6,000 shower curtain† (MSNBC, 2005). These men were making decisions that did not reflect the company’s overall goal for success. The unlawful actions represented the misuse of leadership. Tyco International Ltd experienced a disruption in organizational behavior as a result of this scandal. Organizational behavior is concerned with actions of people and how these specific actions and behaviors affect the overall performance of the company (Robbins & Judge, 2007). Kozlowski and Swartz exhibited corrupt behavior and illegal actions for their benefit. Their actions caused a scandal that changed the way that the public and company members viewed Tyco International Ltd. Unethical practices led to fraud, stealing, and eventually perjury (MSNBC, 2005). Overall, these men undermined the values and standards of the company. They were prosecuted and Tyco International Ltd was able to move forward. Today, Tyco International Ltd has an ethical standard in place. According to Verschoor (2006), â€Å"Against a dismal backdrop of corrupted ethics and failed governance, Ed Breen, Tyco chairman and CEO, began the process of ethical reform when he joined the company in the middle of 2002† (p. 15). Tyco now has four core values that include: integrity, excellence, teamwork, and accountability. These values are listed and explained in the 40-page booklet titled The Tyco Guide to Ethical Conduct: Doing the Right Thing (Verschoor, 2006). Employees are urged to report any unethical actions and must remain compliant with all standards. Unlike other businesses faced with scandal, Tyco survived. Managers realized the need for installing strict rules and standards that would require enforcement. As a result, the organizational behavior of Tyco became more stable. New standards make it more difficult for unethical behavior to slip by and cause scandal. Tyco International Ltd turned a negative situation into a learning experience. References MSNBC.  (2005).  Ex-Tyco executives get up to 25 years in prison.  Retrieved from Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2007). Organizational Behavior (12th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Verschoor, C. C. (2006,  April). Tyco: An Ethical Metamorphosis. Strategic Finance, 87(10), 15-16.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Language and Culture Essay

Language and culture reciprocate a fluid relationship. They both interact and shape the structure through which individuals can mediate their lives within a social context. Language and culture are immanent forces that help to define and open up the way we understand various dimensions of our lives, whether through the mass media and advertising, science and technology, slang, diverse vocabulary, changes of meanings. This essay will aim to break down the specific forums through which language is useful to culture and how culture forms the mechanisms and strategies through which we use language. I will begin with a discussion of the relationship between language and culture and then move on to the different paradigms that contain specific uses of language. To begin, it will be helpful to lay a framework upon which to build a working definition of language. According to the University of Princeton’s online dictionary, language is â€Å"a systematic means of communicating by the use of sounds or conventional symbols† (Language). This is straightforward enough for us to understand that language acts as a medium for communicating. The key terms to highlight here are systematic as well symbols because they stretch the function of the definition to include the power that institutions have over language as well as the way that language can shift and change through semiotics. As a system, language relies upon a specific and formal set of rules in order to function. Grammar, syntax, slang, and meaning are all elicited from the rules of language. The institution of a particular language also varies greatly depending on socio-economic factors as well as through educational strategies. For example, with the rise of information technology and the internet as well as through global capitalism, the English language has taken center stage as a pseudo-global language due to its far reaching capacity and its prevalence in scientific and technological innovations. It will be interesting to see how the role of English changes as the world becomes smaller through interconnectivity and the rise of other global languages such as Chinese. Different cultures, through different languages, create different modes of expression and understanding that give rise to cultural diversity. Cultural diversity relies upon the comparing and contrasting mechanisms through which meaning is ingrained. Semiotics is the realm of language that is concerned with signs and signification. Language is the tool through which we identify particular signs and accord them a meaning, or a signification. This is important because through the sign, or symbol, a culture places specific connotations beyond the traditional denotative structure of language. Language both identifies and distinguishes. This is where varying mediums play a significant role on the way cultures digest and create their lives through language. To illustrate how this works, I will next discuss the role that the mass media has on both the language of culture and the culture of language. The dominance of mass media and advertising over the realms of cross cultural communication cannot be underestimated. Through advertisements, newspapers, television, radio, and the internet, people across the world have instant access to a constant stream of information that shapes the way we live our lives. This can have both positive and negative impacts. On the positive side, mass media acts a vehicle for cross cultural dialogue. It provides people with a common language and a common set of terms through which to discuss the pressing issues of the day. The information presented is current and has a specific point of focus. Depending on a person’s cultural condition and through which avenue of mass media they travel on the information highway, the meaning of the information changes dramatically. In this way, two people from different cultures can watch the same news clip and come away from the experience with two completely different understandings from the same language and information. On the negative side of mass media we can point to what cultural theorists beginning with Antonio Gramsci have termed cultural hegemony. This names a dual process through which competing ideologies are struggled out on the stage of culture and through which subversive or outsider paradigms are brought into the dominant arena of culture in order to assimilate and therefore neutralize the conflict of interests (Chandler). This applies to our discussion of language and culture because it helps explain how the role of the media frames certain issues in order to parlay a particular point of view. For example, here in America hegemony can be witnessed through the way Fox News presents its conservative political agenda against the way that Comedy Central portrays its progressive politics through shows like the Daily Show. The language presented and used in media relies upon subtle ideological functioning in order to suggest at an agenda or viewpoint instead of simply communicating said purpose. As mentioned before, language both identifies and distinguishes. As in the previous example of news presentation, we can see how Fox News identifies its audience through its conservative ideology. By identifying as they do, they also distinguish themselves from the liberal-leaning Daily Show audience. It will be interesting to see how much, if any, influence Fox News can have during the Obama presidency and the rise of liberalism after relying so heavily upon Republican and conservative politics through the Bush administration. The shift in the power of balance in American politics will sway the tide of public opinion in the arena of culture that hegemony frames. We can also witness the way science and technologies rely upon specific uses of language in order to elucidate communication and meaning. Perhaps this arena of culture illustrates the example best. Science and technology create paradigms of knowledge. By this, we can see how biochemists almost literally speak another language than nuclear physicists in their professional lives. Again, this is not a positive or a negative situation; it is a cultural practice that plays itself out through particular frameworks of understanding the world. Another interesting example of how science and technology play out in the realm of language is to consider the macro level. As hinted at earlier, science and technology, with their innovations originating largely from the United States and Japan, have consisted and evolved through the language of not just professional jargon, but specifically and nearly exclusively through English. In his innovative essay, Translingual Travel: The Discourse Practice of Cultural Hegemony, Chinese cultural theorist Dai Xun writes of the impact this phenomenon has in China, â€Å"The primary premise in the rise of cultural hegemony is the advantages and control western countries enjoy over science, technology and information (Xun). This is another form of cultural hegemony that phases out periphery languages at the cost of integrating English into the global vocabulary as well as forming the unbalanced socio-economic relationships of our age. Language is utilized for specific purposes through systematic controls and symbolic gestures. That being said, language is not a monolithic and static entity. Although language relies on specific grammatical and syntactical rules, cultures have always innovated and bent the rules of grammar in an effort to assert their unique cultural conditions. The rise of slang is one of the most important and culturally reinforcing tactics that marginal groups use to coalesce and self-identify. Slang is a part of language, and it follows that it serves again to identify as well as to distinguish. One of the most striking examples of slang can be witnessed in hip-hop music. Hip-hop is rapidly becoming a global phenomena and it goes beyond just the music to include fashion, dancing, music making and lifestyle. In this way, the slang the hip-hop community uses separates them from other groups while also helping them to identify with like-minded people. Hegemony in the realm of hip-hop can help explain how power relations work themselves out through culture. In its infancy, hip-hop was a culture unique to African-Americans in inner-city America. With its popularity and rise through mass media, white, middle-class teenagers are adopting hip-hop into their lifestyles and trying to identify with the conditions that gave rise to it. This is how dominant culture integrates what was previously a subversive and politically threatening subculture into the mainstream. Now we see hip-hop artists in children’s cartoons, at suburban schools and in the malls. In conclusion, language and culture maintain mutually reinforcing relationship. Both dominant and subversive forms of communication are played out on the arena of cultural hegemony. This condition goes beyond the traditional positive/negative paradigm of culture. What is important to some cultures can have very little significance to others. Works Cited Chandler, Daniel. (2000). Gramsci and Hegemony. Marxist Media Theory. Retrieved December 22, 2008 from http://www. aber. ac. uk/media/Documents/marxism/marxism10. html Language. (2008). Wordnet. Princeton University. Retrieved December 22, 2008 from http://wordnetweb. princeton. edu/perl/webwn? s=language Xun, Dai. (2008). Translingual Travel: The Discourse Practice of Cultural Hegemony. Southwest Normal University. Retrieved December 22, 2008 from www. ln. edu. hk/eng/staff/eoyang/icla/Translingual%20Travel

Friday, September 13, 2019

Assignment 1 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

1 - Assignment Example Dell states, in their SEC Form 10-K, that their business strategy â€Å"combines its direct customer mood with a highly efficient manufacturing and supply chain management organization and an emphasis on standard-based technologies. This strategy enables Dell to provide customers with superior value; high-quality, relevant technology; customized systems; superior service and support; and products and services that are easy to buy and use.† From just looking at the business strategy it shows that Dell, Inc. is a business which thrives off customer intimacy with the ability to make the right product for the customer, and the customer alone. As with any company there are risks that will threaten their ability to appease their stockholders. Some of these risks include: drops in the economy which affect net revenue; drop in international sales; infrastructure failures; loss of government contracts; wars, terrorism, natural disasters, and public health scares. There are controls out there for every one of these situations. Keeping prices reasonable here and overseas will make sure that even a dip in the global economy will not affect the sales too terribly bad. Furthermore, evaluations of personnel, equipment, and property will also ensure that there are no infrastructure failures. For government contracts, keep your bids a little lower than the competitors, this will also help out when wars, terrorism, natural disasters, and public health scares threaten profits. The SOX Act of 2002 definitely affects every major corporation basically stating that everybody on the board is held accountable with the CEO, Chairman of the Board signing off on the finalized SEC 10-K Forms each year. This affects the disclosures by telling Dell that they must report accurately since a third party will audit the records to see if they are off. Furthermore, it affects the disclosures by making sure that Dell keeps everything on the

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Self reflection paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Self reflection paper - Essay Example Situations in both life and case study issues become ethical when they involve matters within our control that might either disrespect or respect us as human beings (DuBois, 2010). Based on my personal insights and views, I believe that good discussions on ethics are due to situations that challenge our abilities to determine the right thing to do (DuBois, 2010). Besides, in all situations we should carry out effective ethical action, or lay out an effective strategy for avoiding ethical obstacles in the future (DuBois, 2010). As human beings, we have code of conducts that guide our relations with fellow human beings and our approach to various critical life issues. I believe that we should adhere to these laid down code of conducts to help us coexist as necessitated with fellow human beings in a peaceful and cordial manner (DuBois, 2010). Learning ethical issues have proved to be helpful to me as a learner. These appear in three distinctive ways, which are volitional, cognitive and social (DuBois, 2010). Repeatedly, we always know the right thing but usually a dilemma arises in some instances, which is volitional (DuBois, 2010). The latter usually occurs when individuals have competing interest other than doing what is right (DuBois, 2010). In addition, an ethical matter is cognitive especially when the concerned does not to know what to do. They always find that the decisions they are about to take might affect others in different degrees (DuBois, 2010). At some times, the issues appear easy and we are certain on the decisions we make. These matters only appear socially problematic as the stake holders do not agree on the decision unanimously (DuBois, 2010). In the class discussion, I learned that case studies are standard methods of teaching philosophy, law and a little of social sciences (DuBois, 2010). These cases usually appear accompanied by ethical issues that become a big dilemma for the participants. A big lesson that I learned in my participation in the class is that these ethical issues are there to help us acquire critical thinking as skill, which usually requires practice, learning and experience. This is evident especially in the Automobile Workers v. Johnson Controls Inc case study where I cited various ethical issues that were dilemma especially to the involved participants (Rehnquist, Kennedy & Scalia, 2003). For example, suppose a company is applying the necessary professional work ethics and fair gender opportunities stated by law due to its policy mean to bar women from working in lead related departments (Rehnquist, Kennedy & Scalia, 2003). Besides being just an ethical matter, the issue became a big dilemma for the company or whether to uphold the issue and save workers’ health or get rid of it and put women of childbearing capacity at risk (Rehnquist, Kennedy & Scalia, 2003). This leads to divisions among the work whereby one side deem the corporation purposely implements strategies with an intention of segr egating them. Hence, it does not hold to the international policies that bar corporations from engaging in any form of gender-based marginalization. This is despite corporations availing workers with adequate information regarding reasons why they are against women especially those who have the child bearing capacity working in situations that may be risky to their health. From this we learn, many case studies come

General Electric Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

General Electric - Essay Example Understanding Groups Group is a collection of 2 or more individuals, who interact regularly, exert mutual influence and work in collusion with each other to achieve a common goal (Griffin & Moorehead, 2008). Purpose of a group forms its background and the process through which this is achieved makes it operational. Team is structured, requires coordinated interaction to reach the set goal and all the members stand responsible for its activities. A congregation of individuals qualifies to be called a group based on Kurt Lewin’s parameters, which specify that the members should interact, are interdependent, influence each other, the members feel belongingness, have a structure, work towards a common goal and are recognised as a group by others. Task and relationship-based interactions develop in groups, through which people connect and affect each other. Group Development Bruce Tuckman suggested 4 stages of group development, which consist of forming, storming, norming and perfo rming. Adjourning has been appended later (Griffin & Moorehead, 2008). a. Forming During this phase, individuals mingle with each other and communicate, in an attempt to arrive at their purpose of association. They assess their respective comfort zones. Leaders play a vital role in facilitating this understanding and walking them towards the next stage (Griffin & Moorehead, 2008). In this phase, as we have come from different departments and educational backgrounds, we questioned each other on the relevant details. We have also discussed the past work experience and project records of each of the members. This has helped us in gaining an understanding on the capabilities of every individual of the teams. As a leader, I saw that the team discussions at this phase are directed towards exploring each other, being polite, keeping the communication alive and coordinating them. These conversations created an idea on what would be the ideal roles for each of them within the team and we dec ided on them towards the end of the formation meeting. b. Storming Here, the members share their views, assemble with others sharing similar thoughts and socialise. Leader persuades them to open up and streamlines their ideas, differences etc towards the group goals (Griffin & Moorehead, 2008). This phase has been the challenging one, as the group members started to interact, the differences started to surface. The resource sharing and competition led to substantial friction. However, as a trained and experienced leader, I created the clarity on the jobs and responsibilities; the scope of every person in the team is highlighted. Thus, the importance of every member and his role is clearly understood even by the others and thus, the decision making powers and necessity of the resources to each of them is discussed. Further, the common goals of the team and the focus on productivity of the team, which is only possible through the concerted efforts of all the teammates is stressed. I h ad to support the views of some of the members of the team during such communication, which has planted a doubt in them that I am favoring those members, which was cleared in the due course as the actual work proved my support right. As the team members appreciate the roles and responsibili

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

To whom should I listen Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

To whom should I listen - Essay Example I have also picked up many traditions from all over the world and refused many because they do not go along with my religion or culture. For example, just like the Minnesota University student, Walter Hanson, the protagonist in the short story, The Undeclared Major, written by Will Weaver (2006), I have also learned to shake hands with people when we meet them, from the Euro-American tradition that I assimilated when I lived in England (p.364). In my native place, people embrace each other or just smile when we meet each other. I am experiencing the state of mind of Walter Hanson not only with respect to such simple things, but also by having a concern about how much my family and people will understand me as I continue to grow accepting new traditions from new cultures. Hence, when I am back in Saudi Arabia, I shift back to embracing people and smiling at them and never try to shake hands with them. At home, I try to behave as close as possible to how a Saudi youth of my age would b ehave so that I do not alienate my family members, friends and acquaintances. When I am back in America, I leave behind those culture-specific behavioral aspects and shift myself into a set of behaviors that is expected of me as an American Muslim. My family has a tradition of valuing education above all and it is this tradition that I also got into myself, and became crucial in my life choices. When I read Keizer (2006), writing that â€Å"I give thanks for my family, my church, the Supremes†, I also realize that it was my family and my religion that gave me confidence in becoming what I have become today (p.413). This reverence for family and religion has been a trait that I inherited from the culture and tradition that I was born into. When I think of old age, I always visualize myself as an old man living with my children and grandchildren as any other Saudi citizen would do. I also see myself as becoming more and more religious as I become older. This is so because in my native culture, the community (that is defined by family and religion) is important than the individual. For Keizer (2006), the conflict that he experienced regarding making a decision on what vocation to choose, was something that was to be answered by God himself (416). In such matters, I have grown to be a person, different from him to the core. I feel that regarding such worldly matters, I need to take up the responsibility of my own destiny. This approach, I have taught myself more from my host culture, that is, the Euro-American, individualistic culture. Keizer (2006) has said, â€Å"I wanted God, no one less, to make the decision for me. Believing that vocations were made in heaven, I wanted the matchmaker to speak from that height.† (p.416). In a similar situation, I would rather explore what interests me or what is my real passion. I will not want to bother God on such small choices of life. I feel that this is my Euro-American side. Also when Amy Tan (2006), in her novel, Two Kinds, discusses the element of obedience between a parent and an offspring, I feel empathy with the daughter in several aspects (p.370). Obedience to parents has been a tradition that I assimilated from my Muslim culture and also a tradition that I broke partially when I began to live as a student in England and later in America. As a child, I was not a rebel. I

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Alzheimer's disease market analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Alzheimer's disease market analysis - Assignment Example 5.1 people of the age above 65 have 3.2 million women affected and 1.9 being men. In United States, there are more non-Hispanic whites that live with the condition and other dementias that have the condition more than other race or ethnic group in United States 2. Older Hispanic and African-Americans are more likely to develop the condition as compared to other whites and dementias. Studies show that half of children whose parents are affected will develop the disease. The onsets of age for such families who develop the disease tend to be relatively low and are usually at the age of between 35 and 60. The onset in the families has been determined to be fairly constant. Children with Down’s syndrome will develop the disease when they are in the middle age though they may not display the full range of symptoms. Worldwide, the estimated population with the condition of Alzheimer’s or related dementia is nearly 44 million. In the population only 1 in 4 people with the condition have been diagnosed. The rate is in high increase where in 2030, the estimated population with the condition is expected to increase with nearly 76 million. Research shows that in nearly four seconds, there is development of a new case of dementia. Alzheimer and dementia is more common in Western Europe than in any part of the world. The region where the condition is less prevalent is in sub-Saharan Africa. Environment and activities that are carried out by an individual is much important as there are practices that accelerate the development of the condition. There has been a summary of the role of diet, disease and activities that potentially play a role in the onset of the disease. Hypertension, diabetes, obesity, smoking and dyslipidemia have been found to increase the risk of Alzheimer The factors that have portrayed reduction in the risk of getting the disease include Mediterranean diet as well as higher education 3. Mediterranean diet acts as an antioxidant and